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Scarlet Warfare

MMAE 432

Innovators, Engineers, Scientists

Home: Welcome

Meet the Team

Four Mechanical Engineering Students


Alex Zamora



Geo Pallares

Engineer/Data Management


Jose Amezcua

CAD Designer

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Riley Ellis

Mechatronics Engineer

Home: Team Members
Home: Video

Combination Lock Solver

Our Product

Solve your old combination lock in just 10 minutes. No longer do you need to purchase new locks due to forgotten combinations.

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Unlocking Arm

The unlocking arm is designed to withstand upwards of 70N of force to open your combination lock. It includes both an opening and closing hinge for smooth operation.

Home: Features


Resistance Detection

The stepper motor is commanded to move 5 steps at a time which is equivalent to 30 steps on the optical encoder. When the dial encounters resistance, the dial will not complete the commanded rotation and is sensed by the optical encoder because it rotated less than 30 steps.

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Shackle Feedback

Every time the servo is commanded to try and open the lock, the code checks the position of the servo by reading the analog feedback value after a certain set time. If the analog feedback value breaks a set threshold limit, the servo opened the lock. If it is less than the threshold value, the servo did not open the lock and the next combination is tested.

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Solving the Dial

Each time the stepper motor turns the dial, there is some error in the position. This is corrected after each turn when the optical encoder reads the actual position of the shaft and compares it to the expected position. If this difference is greater than the set threshold limit, the stepper motor is commanded to move by the amount of the error.

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